Five tips for sticking to your New Year’s fitness resolutions

Making resolutions for the new year is easy. Sticking to them, not so much

blueberries-690072_12801. Eat rightThe trick is to get the most from what you eat while not making yourself miserable in the process. “If you want a grilled cheese, you can make that work,” says Karina Christiansen of Lemoncrystals, a meal-plan site that creates custom plans based on your lifestyle and goals. So long as you “balance that out” with more veggies, she adds.Karina’s tips for eating right:

  • Volume: Consider the right portion sizes for your body type and activity level and make room for the foods you really love
  • Hydrate: Drink plenty of water and make sure you stay hydrated throughout the day
  • Organize: Plan your weekly meals to avoid grabbing food on the go

 yoga2. Stretch it outIf you’re not used to the gym, yoga can be a great way to transition to an active lifestyle. “There is generally something for everyone and every body type,” explains Anita Cheung of Social Yoga. “Your body is something to take care of, not something to tackle.” And if you’re not the solitary type, don’t go alone. “Get a friend to enroll with you,” Cheung says. “It’s a great chance for bonding, and it’s a familiar face in a group—making it a social experience.”Try some of these local studios:

 fitness3. Use teamworkOpting for exercise classes can help you to establish a routine with set scheduled classes. “It’s all about accountability,” explains Keighty Gallagher of Tight Club Athletics. “Fitness studios can be intimidating, but creating a schedule and bringing a friend helps to break down that barrier and stick to a fitness plan.”Stick together by:

  • Day planner: Sit down and commit to a weekly plan, either by signing up for classes or planning your routine for the coming week
  • Gear check: Invest in a proper pair of training shoes
  • Class commitment: Being in a group environment can be empowering and pushes you to spin faster or out-squat your neighbour

 running4. Pick your paceLiterally go at your own pace. Set small and realistic goals for yourself to help build up your endurance and figure out what works best for you. “Getting some kind of tracking device like a Fitbit is a great way to track your success and heart rate,” says Gallagher. “This will help you set your goals and gauge your progress.”Running tips:

  • Footwear: Make sure you have proper shoes that offer enough support to avoid injury
  • Partner up: The chat will keep your mind pleasantly occupied
  • Join a running club: Make yourself feel like you’re part of a team, and best of all they’re often free

 pt5. Get helpPersonal trainers are not as expensive as you might think, especially if you take advantage of the new boutique-fitness trend spreading across Vancouver. Each class has a maximum of around eight people matched to one trainer, meaning you get the personal attention a thirty-person spin class is missing.Local options: