Chefs’ Picks: Vancouver Chefs Share their Favourite Dishes

We chat with local chefs about the fresh ingredients and expert techniques used to create their favourite menu items

We chat with local chefs about the fresh ingredients and expert techniques used to create their favourite menu items

Want to know more about the ingredients and techniques used to create your favourite restaurant meals? We spoke with a selection of Vancouver chefs to get the inside-scoop on their most popular dishes: Margarita Pizza, Spicy Tuna Tacos, Vegan Ramen and more! Watch our Chefs’ Picks video for an exclusive, behind-the-scenes look at Banana LeafBrowns Socialhouse, Jinya Ramen Bar, Nicli Antica Pizzeria, The Mexican and The Observatory at Grouse Mountain. to learn more about the participating restaurants CP_NicliCP_ObservatoryCP_JinyaCP_BananaLeaf CP_Mexican