The AnnaLena Team Opens New Coffee Spot in Kits

You can never have enough coffee shops, really.

You can never have enough coffee shops, really.

Good news for Kits residents and coffee nerds alike (though there’s certainly a fairly big overlap in that Venn diagram): the team behind the always-busy AnnaLena have turned their talents to more caffeinated fare with new cafe Their There.The 30-seater coffee shop and bakery (formerly the 2,300-square-foot Mission space) features the talents of former Hawksworth chef, Lucian Kirby and AnnaLena’s own Michael Robbins. Find elevated breakfast sandwiches and pastries (triple chocolate cookie, anyone?) as well as coffee from Portland’s Heart Coffee Roasters, but Their There’s starting menu is also—drumroll, please—licensed, which means you’ll find wines from SeaStar and Tantalus plus craft beers for when you need something a little stronger than that coffee.Hours: 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. dailyWhere: 2042 West 4ththeirthere.ca