Looking for a Hobby? Here’s 8 Places in Vancouver You Can Pick Up a New Skill

It's never too late to learn something new: read on to find your new "thing."

Making time for ourselves and developing our skills isn’t always that easy, and it takes hard work to avoid falling into the trap of being glued to a screen in our free time. Getting out there and finding a hobby (building crafts, playing instruments, exercising or even knitting a new pair of socks) is a good place to start. Here are eight spots in Vancouver to find your new special skill.

Community Clay

1. Pottery

Community Clay offers classes and workshops for everyone, including a beginner’s hand-building pottery workshop, technique workshops and even a date night workshop you can do with your partner. 

Community Clay
201 W 6th Ave.
Classes from $60

Blue Guitar Studio

2. Guitar

Remember that guitar that’s been gathering dust in your garage for years? It might be time to tune it and make your way to Blue Guitar Studio, which offers individualized music lessons of all styles, no matter your age or skill level. Learn from the best, and please try to avoid making Wonderwall the first song you learn to play.

Blue Guitar Studio
927 West 8th Ave.
Classes start at $37 per half hour

The Yoga Bar

3. Yoga

Watching yoga videos on Youtube might work for some people, but for us mortals that are as flexible as a baseball bat, The Yoga Bar gives you every bit of guidance you need. They have all kinds of classes to choose from, including relaxation and meditation, weight training, cardio, spin, stretch and different heat levels to create a mindful and challenging meditation space. Inhale, exhale and meet your new, refreshed and relaxed self.

The Yoga Bar
1050 Homer St.
Classes from $35

Baaad Anna’s

4. Weaving

With temperatures dropping lately, is there anything better than making your own scarves and blankets? Baaad Annas Yarn Store sells all the yarn you need to kick start your knitting journey, and offers beginner knitting classes, weaving introductions, frame weaning classes, and even classes on how to make a new pair of cozy socks, which make a great gift, too. If you start now you might be able to make your whole family ugly sweaters this Christmas.

Baaad Anna’s Yarn Store
2667 E. Hastings St.
Classes from $45

Canvas Method

5. Painting

Painting and drawing is not for everybody, but contrary to popular belief, you can still learn to do it even if the last time you picked up a paint brush was in your seventh grade art class. Canvas Method has oil painting, landscape, portrait, floral painting and just about any classes an aspiring painter would want. They also have a drawing essentials class for those who aren’t into paint. 

Canvas Method
101-1610 Pandora St.
Tuition from $275

Dirty Apron

6. Cooking

We all need to do it, and Dirty Apron teaches you to take your culinary skills to the next level. Learn about popular cuisines and the basics of the magic that is ingredient-focused cooking. Book individual or group sessions available for all ages and all skill levels. 

Dirty Apron
540 Beatty St.

The Urban Woodworker

7. Woodworking

The Urban Woodworker offers courses ranging from the basics of the art to spoon carving and woodturning, and you can pick the course duration that works for you. They also have three different locations, with their main studio being in Lower Lonsdale. Bye bye Ikea, hello self-made furniture and hopefully not many band-aids on your fingers. 

The Urban Woodworker
135 West First St. (North Vancouver)
Classes from $355


Vancouver Pilates Centre

8. Pilates

Everybody has that one friend who doesn’t stop talking about how pilates changed their life, and as the great Joseph Pilates once said, if you can’t beat ’em, join ’em. The Vancouver Pilates Centre can teach you to strengthen your body, mind, and spirit. Book their Discover Pilates introductory appointment so you can be assessed, and let them recommend the program that will work best for you.

The Vancouver Pilates Centre
719 West 16th Ave.
Classes from $75