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Launching in May, Buy BC: EAT DRINK LOCAL encourages diners to visit local establishments to sample the best food and drink BC has to offer. From distilleries and craft-breweries, fast casual to upscale, choose from an array of local spots to find the BC menu, drink, dish or even ingredient that excites you.Brought to you by the Ministry of Agriculture in partnership with the British Columbia Restaurant and Food Services Association (BCRFA), Buy BC: EAT DRINK LOCAL will bolster BC’s food economy and do more than raise BC’s local food profile alone. They will connect local producers with chefs, create easily identifiable markers on menus to allow consumers to make more local-conscious choices and showcase all of their partner restaurants on their website and social platforms.Buy BC: EAT DRINK LOCAL is an investment in the future of BC food. By buying local, the food industry benefits at all stages; from farmer to harvester to restaurateur. Support local food producers and the economy by tasting something new today.