You’re Invited to Vanmag x Bad Academy’s Vision Board Workshop

Whether you're ready to envision your future or just want to get wild with some scissors and glue, this arts workshop is for you.

Bad Academy has made a name for itself by offering practical, skills-oriented workshops to Vancouver women (car repair, finaces, joint-rolling, et cetera). So when founder Amanda Kao asked us to collaborate on a vision-boarding workshop, we were ready with a pile of back issues to cut and paste.

Do vision boards actually work? We’re not scientists, so we can’t say. But what we do know is doing arts and crafts is the perfect way to spend a cozy Sunday afternoon at House of Funk brewery—and if that craft sesh is led by collage artist Ebony Jansen and orchestrated by our friends at Bad Academy, all the better.

We’re just saying, it’s not going to hurt to dig through a pile of old Vancouver magazine issues and cut out all the things that inspire you and paste them into a dream for your future. Best case scenario, your collage comes true and you find yourself eating more gourmet meals or becoming besties with the cover stars of our November edition. Worst case scenario? You have some fun new art for your apartment. Win-win.

The Vanmag x Bad Academy Vision Board workshop runs Sunday, January 26, from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. at House of Funk Brewing in North Vancouver, with all materials provided and discounts on drinks. Tickets are $25, and limited; grab yours here.