
A drink with four—count ’em, four—types of rum is by definition event-specific: bat mitzvahs, probably not; Halloween, hell yes. Inventor Donn the Beachcomber thought there could be no better way to celebrate the end of Prohibition than by creating a drink that renders all who try it only a small step above comatose, even as they remark on the sweet refreshment of their bevvie. A word on playing with fire—do ignite the thing. You’ve already crossed the line by making a Zombie, so don’t deny yourself a little pyromania. (If you can believe it, this version is the toned-down one.)

½ oz. white rum
¾ oz. amber rum
¾ oz. dark rum
½ oz. 151 proof rum
½ oz. apricot brandy
1 oz. pineapple juice
1 oz. papaya juice
dash of grenadine

Mix all ingredients except the 151 in a shaker with ice. Strain into a tall Collins glass (who’s kidding who—a plastic Keg glass would do) and gently pour the 151 on top. Light the drink on fire. Garnish with a lime wedge and some sort of exotic fruit kebob as long as it includes maraschino cherries.

Want to get the perfect cocktail each time? Try these other recipes:

Sazerac: An easy recipe for a sexy Sazerac

Whiskey Sour: It was once the go-to drink for hardened P.I.s and washed-up boxers

Pimm’s Cup: How to indulge in this quintessential English cocktail